He was back, as promised to replay his classic live album “Frampton comes Alive” which is 35 years old. I remember it well, and still have my original copy.
The venue was great, but I feel not suitable for this show. I want to stand, but in fairness to the majority of the audience, may be they cannot.
The other annoying thing was that the security goons kept stopping people from taking pictures.
Introductions & announcements done by William Shatner, including the 20 minute pee break!
Another annoying thing is that they were advertising a recorded CD disk set from the gig and other stuff. Now that not the annoying thing. The annoying thing is that
a) the price was in dollars!!!! and
b) they listed an interview with some “legendary” DJ who has never been heard of in the UK, do I give a Frac, No!
Anyhow, the few pics I managed to smuggle past the goons!
The previous gig of his I attended this year was on 1/3/11 and there are more pictures there.