Wednesday, 14 May 2014

14-05-2014 The Hop, Leeds - Open Mic

First time here, great venue with great beer too.

It was a busy night so only two songs, but well organised, with a high pace.

Borrowed the hosts guitar, very nice Martin!

Played 3rd

Please Read My Letter - Plant/Krause version
Rocking in the free world - Neil Young. Been a while since I played this solo.

Till next time.

Some Pics

 Some other performers before I left..... All very good.

fitting train back...

Saturday, 10 May 2014

10-05-2014–Manvers Arms, Radcliffe–Open Mic


Up first and a busy and hot night.


Some new people as well


Please read my letter - Plant/Krause (including a violin)
Behind Blue Eyes – the Who
Making your mind up – Bucks Fizz. Eurovision special!!!!!
Sweet Child in Time – Deep Purple
Its a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll – AC/DC[Kazzo standing in for bagpipes!]
Rocking in the free world – Neil Young – Plus Saxophone solo

Guested on Wish you were here – Pink Floyd

Some Pics




Tuesday, 6 May 2014

06-05-2014 Yes at Leicester


This is the first time Yes has played Leicester since 1980 on the Drama tour. The infamous Yeggles tour!

They did two nights then on 24th and 25th November, I dont know which night I was there, but I was front row then!

The DeMontfort Hall has changed a bit since then, mainly in terms of seating.

I thought Jon Davison was excellent, the guy can sing and recreates Anderson at around that age. He is not Anderson, but still bloody good.

Some Pics

It would have been cool, for them to have loads of Dry Ice, like the gigs of old pouring from the stage at start of  Close to the Edge!



Geoff Downs, turn your keyboards round. Virtually the whole gig with your back to the audience, not good!