Tuesday, 4 April 2006

Great Western, Warwick 5/4/06

Badger here!What a day.Started in Manchester, the first wave 7 Data Management Workshop. A nice venue the City of Manchester Stadium. The home of Man City.
Workshop went well, even the new material. I am concerned by the audience as they did not ask many questions. This either means I explained it well or, and is more likely, the just did not get it. We shall see!
I am mentally and physically knackered afterwards. I am presenting for 3 hours, and the questions I get make it more interesting.
It was open mic night again at the Great Western in Warwick. Two work colleagues attended, nice one guys!
The Trees - Rush
Nobody's Hero - Rush
Pinball Wizard - The Who (I played James sang)feedback was positive, but they are supportive.
I will take my mic stand next time as it is a boom type and this may assist in the playing and singing as it give a bit more room.
Well I am preparing to go on my jollies next week.
One more open mic this week.
Will post on Friday
Migrated from MYSPACE with Chapo's super migration tool!
Original Publish Date Wed, 05 Apr 2006 12:09:00 -0700

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