Monday, 20 March 2000

Week 17 - Monday 20/03/00

Malev have changed their timetable, for the worst. Instead of a 10:10 from Amsterdam I now have to travel to Brussels and catch a 10:45. Oh well the flight from East Midlands is 7:30, and I should have an extra 30 minutes in bed.  I miss my alarm wake up 15 minutes before my taxi. I still travel to the airport at the same time as usual. Good job. 1h:45m delay to Brussels. Back to ticket desk. Best is to fly to Amsterdam and wait until 13:10 and take a KLM flight to Budapest.  The flight is delayed by a further 15 minutes, oh well I am already very late, another quarter of an hour will make no difference at all. The flight was relaxing. Off the plane, through passport control and in the taxi with little delay. I start making calls. I then receive a call. Did I get the message, no it was just noise. Oh well there is a bomb at the offices. A what. You heard a Bomb. A 600lb WWII bomb under/at the office. Well that is one way of delaying the project. I had not quite planned for this and have no contingency for this. Dam. I will add the full story when I get it. Where it was, who discovered it. A bomb was discovered during construction of a man-hole in a small park (little green space) next to the offices. It was the company I work for doing the construction. The man hole is about 15 feet from the project office. This was around 250Kg. That is pretty big. It was a German bomb that did not go off, it also apparently had a Russian modification, which also did not blow it up. I don't know where it is now, no where near me I hope. Sorry I was not in the office when all this was going on. I did not bring my camera but I will take a picture in the future. I have to confess that I did not plan for this in the project planning. Now most navvies (affectionate term for construction workers) in the U.K. are not fully blooded until they hit either a Gas pipe or an electricity main. Some experts can hit both simultaneously in a spectacular manner. I have seen the front of a house blown off and trees up rooted in my time. Now these guys really know how to do it and in my humble estimation take the award for being the luckiest and dumbest guys on the planet. Congratulations!
Migrated from Where's Jon The Original Blog in 2000 with Chapo's super migration tool!
Original Publish Date Week 17 - Monday 20/03/00

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