Thursday, 8 June 2000

Week 28 - Thursday 8/06/00

More of the same, and interesting conversations about the night before.  I thought they were better than Prague. It was different as this was outside, and was a smaller crowd. I do love Budapest for a concert. We entered the arena, after the support band left and walked, literally, to the front, give or take two or three people.  The sound was better, but still crap.  In the evening, we go out. Three of us leave the 9th floor of the hotel and proceed down stairs to meet the fourth member. We stop at floor five, and the doors do not open more than 5 inches. We then proceed to go up and down. Eventually having pressed the alarm, we have help outside. They manage t get the door open a little bit. Our female companion, who is significantly slimmer than the rest of us, finally escapes. I get pissed off with this put my foot against the door, back to the wall and push. There is aloud bang and the door opens enough to enable the two fatties to escape.  We were greeted by the manager of the hotel, who offered us Champaign, we take up his offer when were return from dining.
Migrated from Where's Jon The Original Blog in 2000 with Chapo's super migration tool!
Original Publish Date Week 28 - Thursday 8/06/00

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